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LG Fashion renamed to LF

LF, Life in Future, is a future-oriented lifestyle brand that creates a tailored style of living for each individual.

The change of the company’s name will be finalized at the general meeting on the 28th and the new name will be used from the 1st of April.

“LG Fashion will create a new future under the new company name, LF.”

On the 12th, LG Fashion (CEO Koo Bon Keul) announced that the company will change its name to LF Corp.
The official company name is LF Corp., which will be finalized at the general meeting on the 28th. The new company name will be launched on the 1st of April.

LF, short for “Life in Future”, is a future-oriented lifestyle company that creates a tailored style of living for each individual.

LG Fashion excluded the word “fashion” from the company’s new name to show that the company strives to become a lifestyle brand that suggests different lifestyles to customers, which is far from a company that simply makes and sells clothes.

LG Fashion has realized the need to take a step forward to become a global lifestyle brand that can suggest different lifestyles to customers, rather than confining to the traditional fashion industry, in order to respond flexibly and quickly to the rapidly transforming fashion trend and to meet the different needs of customers.

LG Fashion has decided to change its name and start afresh given that the year 2014 marks the 40th anniversary of Bando Fashion, the root of LG Fashion, and the 7th anniversary of its separation from LG Group. Not to mention the fact that the company owns some major brands, such as DAKS, Hazzys, and Lafuma.

LG Fashion also introduced its new CI.

The symbol mark of LF is “hands building the future” where “L” and “F” are depicted as hands in a cube to represent a perfect and stable balance of a lifestyle brand that build the future of customers.

The color “LF Red” symbolizes passion and the competitive spirit of LF that strives to build a tailored style of living for each individual. The cube of “L” and “F” is connected but not closed to show the open communication between the company and customers.

LG Fashion, which began as Bando Fashion in 1974, was separated from LG International Corp. in 2006 to become an independent fashion company and was categorized as an affiliate of LG Group in 2007.

LG Fashion has expanded its business portfolios from menswear to women’s wear, casual wear, outdoor wear, accessories, and select shops for the past seven years. The company has developed some major brands, such as DAKS, Hazzys, and Lafuma, while making inroads into China and other foreign markets.

As a result, LG Fashion is the leading fashion company in Korea with sales reaching 1.4 trillion won in 2013, twice the amount in 2007.