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LFmall Launches Easy Payment Service LFpay

- Credit card, real-time payments, etc., registered in ten seconds with payments processed using passwords

- LF mileage points added with billing discounts by card companies when using LFpay

LFmall, the premium lifestyle mall of the lifestyle culture company, LF, has launched a simple payment service, LFpay, to streamline the shopping experience by enhancing payment convenience.

The newly introduced LFpay is LFmall’s simple mobile payment service that allows customers to register their preferred payment methods such as credit cards and real-time payments without additional authentication processes. Once LFpay registration is completed, customers are free to enjoy a faster and more convenient shopping experience using a six-digit payment password.

LFpay subscription is also very simple. A payment method can be registered from “My Page” on the LFmall mobile app by clicking “Subscribe to LFpay” with payment methods including credit cards, debit cards, and real-time payment. Due to this simplified process, registration can be completed within ten seconds.

Customers who use LFpay are also eligible for further benefits. First, every time a payment is made, LF will provide mileage points based on the customer’s membership rating, regardless of the purchase amount. In addition, based on payment card companies, customers will be provided with monthly discounts or events where 10% of their points can be used for new purchases.

Lee Jae-ik, Managing Director of LF’s Online Business CX, commented, “Through LFpay, we intend to create a more convenient shopping experience for customers and personalize marketing by tailoring it to customer lifestyles.” He further added, “Starting with the launch of the LFpay service, we will continue to introduce new services to improve the shopping experience of our customers.”

Photo Description: Promotional photo for the launch of LFpay